The Russian Cage

In an alternate future, Lizabeth “Gunnie” Rose goes to the Holy Russian Empire, now located in California and Oregon. Her goal is to help her sister, Felicia, find her boyfriend, Prince Eli. Eli, who is also Lizabeth’s former partner, is locked in The Russian Cage. But how can a GunnieContinue Reading

The Kaiser's Web

In The Kaiser’s Web, two people are running for German chancellor: the incumbent, Marie, and her fiery opponent, Pohr. Pohr is a strict nationalist bordering on Nazism. However, when Cotton and Cassiopeia hear his claims that Hitler’s best friend and girlfriend both survived the bunker, they investigate. Can they alsoContinue Reading

Crimson Phoenix

I am so glad that I waited to read this book during the current presidential administration. At least part of what terrified Democrats last year was the worry that the previous President would finish his term with a bang! That bang happens in the Crimson Phoenix. U.S. Congressperson Vicky EmersonContinue Reading

Shucked Apart

The ninth book in the Maine Clambake Mystery series starts with one woman getting Shucked Apart from her last oyster farm purchase! Julia’s long-time boyfriend Chris introduces her to Andie. Andie has a problem. She was attacked and robbed of two buckets of baby oysters. While they are worth $35,000,Continue Reading

The Echo Wife

All kinds of moral and ethical questions are broached in a new science fiction domestic thriller, The Echo Wife. Several are solved the old-fashioned way through deception and murder. Evelyn is a respected scientist creating clones to perform various tasks. She is working through a divorce from her husband, Nathan.Continue Reading

Murder with a View

Cousins Whitney and Buck are renovating an old mid-century motel into high-end one-bedroom condos near Nashville in Murder with a View. They hire a squatter named Jimmy that they find living there to help. The next day another squatter is found in an adjoining room. Only this one is dead—andContinue Reading

The Love Proof

Sophie’s arrival at Yale had her new Physics professors buzzing. After winning an international math tournament all four years during high school, Sophie was called “The Next Einstein” by the news media. However, a brilliant mind didn’t stop Sophie from quickly falling for handsome fellow student Jake. Which ends upContinue Reading