The Institute

The Institute is a claustrophobic thrill ride that is perfect for fans of The Cube movies! Agnieszka, her four roommates, and two friends wake up trapped in her apartment in Poland. The stairs are barred. The elevator never comes when called. Their Wi-Fi, phones and internet are not working. ThreateningContinue Reading

Text in Show

Text in Show is a modern retelling of Cinderella set at a socialite dog show. What makes this show different? Mother-dog matching clothing, doggy evening gown and swimsuit competitions are just part of the craziness! Autumn has a hyper-critical mother. Sure, it took her ten years to get her collegeContinue Reading

50 Maps of the World Activity Books

With nineteen full-color activities from drawing to solving puzzles, the 50 Maps of the World Activity Book doesn’t disappoint! There are a variety of puzzle types sure to include a favorite or two for your child recipient. I think it’s funny that I am still hopeless at the jumbled birdContinue Reading

No Hiding in Boise

There is nothing timelier right now than mass shootings, unfortunately. No Hiding in Boise shows how the aftermath of a bar shooting impacts three women: Joyce, Tessa, and Angie. Joyce was the bartender at the scene of the crime. She was in the backroom when the incident occurred. She hasContinue Reading

The Bullet

In The Bullet, Diane has discovered a magic herb that has the possibility to overturn how people are healed forever. But when the discovery is leaked, a billionaire will do anything to keep the breakthrough to himself. Diane goes to her ex-husband, Joe, to ask for help. Joe, Eve, andContinue Reading

Castle Shade

Castle Shade stars Sherlock Holmes and his wife of almost five years, Mary Russell. In 1925, they are hired by the Queen of Roumania, Queen Marie, to determine who is sending her threatening notes. However, after arriving at her castle in rural Transylvania, they discover the locals fear a strigol,Continue Reading