Between a Flock and a Hard Place

Between a Flock and a Hard Place

Meg is trying to a deal with a flock of feral turkeys set loose in a suburban neighborhood, a shady house renovation show, and complaining neighbors in Between a Flock and a Hard Place.

This is the 35th book in this series and I’ve read them all. This book contains the same laugh-out-loud funny situations as all the others. However, this one focuses more on the town’s crazy residents than on Meg’s crazy family. And I admit I rather missed them. However, it is hard to fault any book in this series.

Between a Flock and a Hard Place is a zany way to spend a few hours. I guarantee you will feel better, and your family will look more normal, after reading it. 5 stars!

Thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for providing me with an advance review copy.

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