The Haunting of H.G. Wells follows Wells into WWI trenches where he is looking for morale building stories for the folks back in England. What he finds are ghosts of the war dead that follow him back into his life.
And what a life that is. Good ol’ HG had both a wife and a girlfriend in separate homes. Much of Wells’ real life story is captured here. The book also spends much time setting the period.
Basically, the book is a romance, biography, war story, paranormal, and historical fiction tale. There is always a danger of turning off readers if you mash too many genres into a single story. I felt it while reading the book. I went in expecting a ghost, or at least paranormal, plot set during WWI. But this felt more like a historical fiction biography. I didn’t need to know that much about Wells or about life in 1915. I felt the paranormal story was more of an afterthought, which is contrary to the publisher’s book blurb. For these reasons, The Haunting of H.G. Wells receives 3 stars.
Thanks to 47North and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.