The Debutantes

The Debutantes

Welcome to modern day New Orleans. You are a teenage girl forced by her traditional parents to participate in a debutante ball, where The Debutantes are formally introduced to society. However, a masked boy pulls a Carrie trick during the event recalling the death of the previous year’s Queen. Speaking of the previous year’s Queen, was her death a simple overdose or was something else going on behind the scenes? When the current Queen goes missing, her princesses try to unravel all the secrets bubbling beneath the sparkling purple and green surface of New Orleans’ high society even while trying to keep their own family skeletons hidden.

The plot of this book was extremely twisty and kept me guessing. Plus, I loved the backstage look at New Orleans’ traditions written by an attendee of her own debutante ball. However, all the main characters were extremely unlikable. A word that rhymes with witches would not be an exaggeration. Because of that, I really couldn’t get too involved in the mystery. However, I think young adults closer to high school age would really enjoy The Debutantes. 3 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for providing me with an advanced review copy.

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