Diane Reviews Books

Craigslist Confessional

Craigslist Confessional

Craigslist Confessional has been an ad, a blog, even a newspaper column, and now it’s a book. Every story answers the question, “Tell me about yourself.”

What secret would you tell if you could speak with complete anonymity and without stigma? The forty stories here tell tales of love, regret, loss, identity, and family. Many are heartfelt, tearful, and triumphant. Some are all three.

“During my freshman year of college, I became an escort, and everything stopped being normal.”—Erika

“Probably one of the first lessons I learned as a kid was that I couldn’t count on my mother.”—Raven

“Publicly, I was a good Mormon. Privately, I was just like any other teenager: I wanted to explore my sexuality.”—Gordon

“I guess the lesson here is, no matter what happens, try to laugh about it, and try to look on the bright side. Oh, and don’t get divorced.”—Shep

Most of these stories will make your own life seem great, or at least good, by comparison. Several may inspire you to change aspects of your life that aren’t so enjoyable. At least one may seem like your life on the page but written by another.

Overall, Craigslist Confessional is an interesting look into forty other people’s transformational moments. It will also encourage you to look within yourself to find your own answer to “Tell me about yourself.” 4 stars!

Thanks to Gallery Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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