Diane Reviews Books

Bullet Train

Bullet Train

Can humor transcend language? Will Americans understand Bullet Train’s off-the-chain Japanese dark satirical humor? The answer for me, at least, is not really.

“Steal someone’s suitcase and get off the train. That’s it.“

Five assassins are speeding across Japan in a train. Most are looking for a suitcase full of cash though one is only looking for revenge. A kidnap victim is murdered. It’s a small world in Japan’s underworld as everyone has a history with each other. Twists, turns and double crosses ensue.

The plot of Bullet Train seems so familiar, though I was unable to remember where I have seen it before. My main issue with the book was how long it was. Plus, many scenes are repeated from multiple points of view. It wasn’t until the ending that the pacing picked up to a thriller’s pace.

I love the idea of this book more than the book itself. This book is scheduled to be a blockbuster US movie releasing in April 2022 with Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock and Lady Gaga. I think it is best to wait for that. 3 stars.

Thanks to The Overlook Press, Abrams Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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