Diane Reviews Books

Declutter Like a Mother

Declutter Like a Mother

In Declutter Like a Mother, a mom of three children under three gets organized so she can enjoy her children and life without stress.

I have been down the road of minimalist perfection. I read Marie Kondo’s book the day it was published. I watched her entire streaming show as well as the Home Edit one. I’ve read countless blog posts and watched tons of YouTube and TikTok videos. I have bought a truckload of organizational products. My house is a bigger mess now. I now have tables of wire drawers to build and plastic containers waiting for me to use them. I also have a pile of underwear on my bedroom side chair. Because, seriously, no one wants or has time to fold their undies before shoving them into little lingerie cubicles. No one!

However, because I’m ever hopeful, I picked up Declutter Like a Mother. Sure, my only child moved out almost ten years ago. But I’m willing to treat myself like a toddler if I can just get organized.

There are three things that make this book different from every other decluttering book out there. First, it allows you to go at your own speed. Only have 10 minutes? No problem, work for 10 minutes. It’s better than zero minutes, right? After less than a week, you have worked an hour.

Second, part of my problem is that I never start a project because I can’t decide where to start—kitchen, dining room, living room, or primary bedroom. I tend to do only a bit in each room, which doesn’t improve the issue much. In this book, the author encourages starting in the bathroom. Why? Because it is the smallest room and the one least likely to contain sentimental items. It just has a lot of expired or almost empty bottles that are easy to toss. Boom! Success!

The third item at which this book excels is cleaning up kid’s areas. She has several good ideas for this complex and difficult process. All will work better than telling your child that someone must have stolen their Legos. I’m sure some other mother somewhere has also used that excuse to avoid stepping on any more bricks on the floor, right?

Overall, Declutter Like a Mother works. For me, it works slowly—which is just the way I want it. 5 stars and a favorite!

Thanks to Nelson Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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