Diane Reviews Books

True Raiders

True Raiders

True Raiders is an account of treasure hunters in the early years of the 20th century looking in Jerusalem for the Ark of the Covenant. Though it sounds like a real Raiders of the Lost Ark, it reads more like The DaVinci Code. There are ciphers, secrets, spies, and even the Knights Templar involved in this complex tale.

This book reads like a very slow-paced grand adventure tale. The momentum is slowed by frequently side trips into other interesting, but only vaguely related, stories.

Also, while billed as a true story, the book has much dialogue and details that appear to have been added by the author to flesh out the plot. It is more like a docudrama than a documentary. The author does provide extensive endnotes for anyone wanting more information.

Overall, True Raiders is an interesting story that does suffer from excessive filler. 3 stars.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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