Diane Reviews Books

Good Eggs

Good Eggs

In Good Eggs, Kevin Gogarty has 99 Problems and a light-fingered mum is one. Eighty-three year-old Millie is caught shoplifting in the local shop. But it was only a birthday card and a packet of crisps. What’s the worst that could happen?

“A single horrid thought filters through: if the police become involved, Kevin will find out. Kevin cannot find out. He’s already sniffing around, trying to build a case, with a stagey, lethal gentleness that terrifies her, to stick his poor mom into some godforsaken home for withered old vegetables. Millie Gogarty has no plans to move in with a bunch of wrinklies drooling in a corner.“

Meanwhile, Kevin’s sulky teenage daughter, Aideen the brainy twin, is plotting no end of schemes from her boarding school prison. Kevin has been made redundant by his job while his wife travels the world with hers. Now he gets to play house dad for their other two children: Nuala the pretty twin and little Cieran. Life sucks for Kevin in general and in particular within this hilarious novel.

Anyone with teenage children and/or elderly parents can relate to Kevin’s life. There are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments to, momentarily at least, make you forget your own mask-wearing, huddling-at-home, yet another dumpster fire year. Good Eggs is a great escape into a witty Irish slice-of-life. 4 stars!

Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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