Diane Reviews Books

Coast-to-Coast Murders

Coast to Coast Murders

Michael finds a nude, lifeless girl in his bathtub. He calls the police. They arrest him for the crime. He denies ever seeing the girl before. The police show Michael pictures found in her apartment of him with the dead girl. They show him his personal items in the girl’s rooms. Michael continues asserting his innocence. He insists he was framed. But it is going to get much worse for Michael when the FBI gets involved. Agent Jessica Gimble is positive Michael is the perpetrator of Coast-to-Coast Murders.

Seriously, read as little as possible about this superior thriller before you start reading for yourself.

Hopefully, you’re still reading my spoiler-free review. This book has multiple radical twists in its plot. To mention even the first twist is unfair. Trying to solve the mystery before the mind-blowing conclusion is an incredible challenge for armchair detectives. One that I completed failed to meet, which is great! Once I closed my mouth that had dropped open in shock and caught my breath, I felt like applauding the authors. But I didn’t because it was 3 in the morning by then and I didn’t want to wake my husband.

I admit I stopped reading the co-written James Patterson books years ago. However, I was enticed back by J.D. Barker’s name on the cover. He wrote She has a Broken Thing Where Her Heart Should Be, which I adored earlier this year. And he adds some great intricate plotting to this book too.

I will go so far in saying that if you are a thriller fan, please don’t miss reading the Coast-to-Coast Murders. It is my favorite serial killer police procedural so far this year. I haven’t been so happy with a thriller since reading Silence of the Lambs. 5 stars and a favorite!

Thanks to Little, Brown and Company and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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