Diane Reviews Books

The Chase

The Chase

Thirty-four relatives of employees at a Nevada state prison are traveling by bus to the prison’s annual inmate vs. guard baseball game. The bus driver is shot and the bus veers off the road before coming to a stop. A man calls the prison’s warden. He wants all the prisoners to be released or the bus’s occupants will be shot. The call is heard throughout the prison through an open PA. Guards start opening prison doors to save their families. All 653 prisoners, including two convicted terrorists and several serial killers, flee on foot and in stolen cars. The Chase is on!

Captain Celine, in charge of the prison’s death row inmates, is fixated on one specific prisoner, John Kradle. Kradle killed his wife, son and sister-in-law then set his house on fire. Despite Kradle’s protestations of innocence, something in Celine’s past is making her think he is more dangerous than the other killers in her charge.

The Chase is an adrenaline-fueled ride! You can see the future movie adaptation in your mind’s eye. Both Celine and Kradle’s pasts are revealed in flashbacks as they fight to achieve the ending they each believe they deserve. But only one will get justice. Overall, just a great book. 5 stars and a favorite!

Thanks to Forge Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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