Diane Reviews Books

Ride the Pink Horse

Ride the Pink Horse

It’s a fish-out-of-water tale when a Chicago mobster named Sailor visits New Mexico in 1946. He is looking for revenge from a corrupt Senator. But a Chicago detective is also looking for the Senator in Ride the Pink Horse.

It is amazing what were acceptable words to use to describe people post-WWII. We have come a long way. So if you are triggered by any pejoratives, you may want to miss this book.

However, you will be missing a multi-layered noir tale. The plot is twisty and surprising. The impact of the rural “foreign” town and its inhabitants on the troubled Sailor’s psyche is the best, and most surprising, part of Ride the Pink Horse. Plus don’t forget the atmospheric prose where each word seems to be hand-selected. It truly is a mystery classic. 5 stars and a favorite!

Thanks to American Mystery Classics, Penzler Publishers and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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