Diane Reviews Books

Little Bandaged Days

Little Bandaged Days

Little Bandaged Days is the story of a mother’s slow descent into madness. The inevitability of the conclusion just fills the reader with dread throughout the entire book. The mother had issues after her first daughter’s birth.

“I didn’t have a job, not anymore. Afterwards, after E was born, after I quit, well, it was as if I had woken up on a very quiet island. An island where it was always afternoon and I was alone, alone with E. We could have made a raft, rowed somewhere. I could have, but where would we have gone? Sometimes I yelled then, when she was a baby, just to make all the quiet disappear for a while. To push it back and away from us. All that quiet, all those hours, just her and me in our old house, looking out on our old street. Sometimes we’d just yell together and hold hands.”

However, after giving birth to another child, moving to Switzerland without knowing any French, and her husband working all the time, her prospects for normalcy just went from slim to none.

Little Bandaged Days is a compelling book that I read in a single evening. While fascinating, it was also very depressing. This is definitely not a beach read. But if you want to know, on a gut level, what a mentally ill woman feels, there are few books that do that so well. 3.5 stars!

Thanks to Overlook Press and Abrams Books for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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