Diane Reviews Books

Confessions on the 7:45

Confessions on the 7:45

Confessions on the 7:45 would make a great movie! While ostensibly a remake of Strangers on a Train, it is so much more.

Selena has had a bad few months. Her husband, Charlie, lost his job—and doesn’t seem to be searching too hard for another one. In fact, at this very minute, he is rutting with their nanny, Geneva, in the boy’s playroom. Selena had seen it once before soon after moving the nanny cam. Now, they will have to get another nanny. And Geneva was so good with the boys.

Anne is in an affair with her married boss. Unfortunately, the company’s owner is her boss’ wife. This doesn’t sound like it will end well.

When Selena meets a stranger in a train, her confession sounds suspiciously like Anne. When Selena describes her own problems, the two agree that they wished their problems would just go away. A few days later, Geneva disappears. Was it the mysterious woman on the train? Or Selena’s husband? And what does the stranger, now calling herself Martha, want in exchange from Selena?

Such a fun, and insightful book! The characters are all well-rounded and have their own, sometimes conflicting, motives. Almost all of them get their chance to narrate a chapter or two. The most interesting is Oliver, Selena and Charlie’s six-year-old son, who knows more than he wants to about his family and Geneva’s last day. But who will listen to such a young boy? Confessions on the 7:45 is highly recommended to thriller readers! 5 stars and a favorite!

Thanks to Park Row, Harlequin Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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