Diane Reviews Books



I’ve been a Trekker from way back. I also adored anything written by Robert Heinlein. Trigor is another optimistic space opera. It has a multitude of love, adventure, and world-building within it.

Pilot X had destroyed three civilizations, including his own in the self-named previous book in the series. So what could possibly occur in a sequel? This time, Pilot X tries to save a civilization from extinction by the same weapon with a different name, the Trigor. Along the way, he finds the world’s cleanest city, another girl he likes, and coffee—glorious coffee.

You know a book will be great and still in your mind days later when it is difficult to find the perfect quote to represent it in a review. There are just too many choices. I have decided on this one.

“Coffee had disappeared. Pie had disappeared too. Everyone he knew and loved had disappeared. Three entire species of beings, guilty, innocent, and otherwise, had been erased by Pilot X. He desperately missed coffee almost as much as he desperately missed Alexandra”, his love interest before he killed her and the rest of her race.

Be warned that this book will make you as obsessed with coffee and pie as Pilot X is. It is almost coffee and pie porn. In fact, I was less than an hour into reading it when I stopped to order some blueberry pie online—and I don’t even like pie. It is highly recommended—and not just for soft science fiction fans. 4.5 stars!

Thanks to the author, Inkshares and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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