Diane Reviews Books

Snifter of Terror Vol 2

Snifter of Terror Vol 2

Part parody, part homage, and fully camp, the Snifter of Terror Vol 2 is great for Poe fans that can take a bit of friendly ribbing. It’s the Mad Magazine of Poe.

There are graphic short stories, prose short stories, and poems within these pages. Some are mashups of more than one Poe story. Others are clever updates to them. I particularly enjoyed The Raven. It seems Lenore’s father is hiring a raven actor to mess with Poe at midnight. I also liked a prose story called Eggs of the Dog That Bit You. It had a nice twist at the end.

The Snifter of Terror Vol 2 is an entertaining comic spoof of Poe’s tales. Definitely more humorous than horrifying. 4 stars

Thanks to Toykopop, Diamond Book Distributors and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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