Diane Reviews Books

No Hiding in Boise

No Hiding in Boise

There is nothing timelier right now than mass shootings, unfortunately. No Hiding in Boise shows how the aftermath of a bar shooting impacts three women: Joyce, Tessa, and Angie. Joyce was the bartender at the scene of the crime. She was in the backroom when the incident occurred. She has a bad case of survivor guilt. Tessa is told by the police that her son is dead and that he was the shooter. How could she have not seen how troubled her son was? Angie’s husband slipped out of their bed to drink at the local bar. What else was he looking for? Angie may never know since his injuries have left him in a coma.

No Hiding in Boise is a heartfelt tale of coping with loss and grief in a life-affirming way. I listened to the audiobook. I really appreciated that it has a full cast. It made identifying whose perspective we were hearing so much easier to determine. Overall, 4.5 stars for this deep look into a mass shooting’s ripple effect.

Thanks to Keylight Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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