Diane Reviews Books



Influenced is another murderous frenemy thriller. But there is a great twist, the reader doesn’t know which friend is evil and which one is good! The book begins with a bang of a flashforward chapter!

“A sharp blow splintered the back of her head. Pain shot through her skull. […] Her friend wanted to kill her. […] A single thought rang out. I don’t want to die.”

Hannah is the sleep-deprived single parent of baby Nora. Nora is the result of a drunken hook-up with her best friend Luke. After friend zoning him, Hannah is having some regrets. After all, Luke is a caring father, a fantastic friend, and handsome as all get out.

One day at work as a prep school’s school psychologist, Hannah panics and quits her job. Unable to find work, bored at home, and still sleep deprived, Hannah begins to look up old school chums on social media. Has that ever ended well in any thriller? The answer is no. I’m going to stop my synopsis there to avoid spoiling the twists ahead. This a very fast-paced read and this summary only covers the first ten percent of the plot.

Ultimately, Influenced is about accepting your own life and not envying someone else’s life. Hannah wants the easy money raised by social influencer, Rowan. Rowan wants the life of Arabella, who is working on a Harvard PhD and is respected for her brains. Somehow, I doubt that Arabella is envying Hannah’s unemployed, sleep-deprived life. Or maybe she is from another dimension. For you see, Arabella is dead after being poisoned.

The twists just keep coming in Influenced. And the ending is amazing. I highly recommend the book. 4.5 stars!

Thanks to author and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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