Diane Reviews Books

27 Essential Principles of Story

27 Essential Principles of Story

The title, 27 Essential Principles of Story, basically explains what the book is about. It looks closely at plot, character, setting, dialogue, and theme.

The book uses a simple system. First, a brief description of the principle. Then, a detailed explanation of how the principle works. Next, an example from all types of literature (from Shakespeare to rap to video games). Finally, a step-by-step guide on how to apply the principle to your own writing. There is also a single multiple-choice question as a final exam. Extra credit if you also do the more intense continuing education exercises.

I think 27 Essential Principles of Story will assist me in determining what is making me like or dislike a particular book. But it is most effective as an excellent, easy to use tool for new writers. It is written in common English unlike some writing handbooks I have read. I especially enjoyed the last principle. Principle 27 says that it’s okay to break the other 26 principles as long as you are doing it consciously.

Overall, a great choice for aspiring, and struggling, authors regardless of medium. 5 stars!

Thanks to Workman Publishing Company and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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